AWC is a nonprofit formed from a partnership between CU Medicine and the  Aurora community.

Welcome to Aurora Wellness Community

Building health, wealth, and well-being for Colorado residents who live in zip codes 80010, 80011, and 80012.

Dedicated to Building a Healthier,
More Equitable Future

Our vision is rooted in the belief that health is not solely determined by medical care, but by the environments and opportunities we offer our community members. At AWC, we envision a future where access to stable employment, affordable housing, nutritious food, education, and quality healthcare is accessible to everyone.

Click Here to Learn More About AWC

Welcome to a Thriving Future for Aurora

Centered on Humans, Focused on Impact

We center humans in every aspect of our work, embracing diverse perspectives to drive positive impact. By addressing SDOH and promoting access to stable employment, affordable housing, nutritious food, education, and quality healthcare, we strive to uplift the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

Empowering the Community through Collaboration

The best solutions come from community.

AWC actively engages with Aurora residents, listening to their voices and aspirations. By building power through meaningful partnerships, we empower our community to shape its future. Together, we create a safe and inclusive space where everyone's story matters.

Community Workshops

Community Surveys

Community Interviews

young adult human with shoulder length black hair and a gray tshirt and glasses with a camera strap around their neck

AWC White Paper

Addressing the Social Determinants of Health in Aurora, Colorado

This report summarizes the results of an interdisciplinary research project aimed at
understanding the social determinants of health and health disparities in Aurora, Colorado.

Click Here to Read the Full Report

Why SDOH Matter to the City of Aurora and AWC

SDOH play a pivotal role in determining the well-being of individuals and communities.

Health is not solely determined by medical care; it is connected to social and economic factors that shape our daily lives. At AWC, we believe in a future where health, wealth, and well-being intertwine to create a thriving community. Our mission is to build a healthier and more equitable Aurora, Colorado, by addressing the critical social determinants of health (SDOH) that shape the lives of Aurora’s residents.

Click Here to Learn More About SDOH
Passion into Purpose

Meet our Team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.
An African-American person with short, curly hair smiles at the camera. They are wearing gold earrings and a white, collared shirt and are in front of a blurred, green background.
Dr. Kelet Robinson
Medical Director
she, her, hers
A light skinned person with short gray hair smiles at the camera.  They wear a blue shirt with a under a dark blazer.
Barbara Peña
Business Professional
she, her, hers
A Latin-American person with dark brown, wavy hair smiles at the camera. They are wearing a white blouse covered by a navy blazer. They stand in front of a blurry outdoor backdrop.
Griselda Jackson-Peña
Engagement Strategist
she, her, hers
A Mexican-American person with dark hair smiles. They are wearing a white shirt with decorative flowers.
Maureen Maycheco
Fractional CMO
she, they, ella
A light skinned person with their hair in a long ponytail smiles at the camera.  They wear a dark shirt with a spotted pattern under a dark blazer and have silver earrings and a silver necklace.
Anne Fuhlbrigge
Chair Person
she, her, hers
A light skinned person with short gray hair smiles at the camera.  They wear a blue shirt with a under a dark blazer.
Myra Muramoto
Clinical Advisor
she, her, hers
A light skinned person with short gray hair smiles at the camera.  They wear a blue shirt with a under a dark blazer.
Colleen Conry
Clinical Strategist
she, her, hers
A light skinned person with short gray hair smiles at the camera.  They wear a blue shirt with a under a dark blazer.
Venus Mann
Clinical Strategist
she, her, hers

our services

Engage and Connect.

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